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Children registered as homeschoolers are welcomed into our nature school to access to high quality teachers and curriculum support, the opportunity to socialize with peers, to be community leaders themselves and role models to our nature preschoolers, and a chance to engage in collaborative learning opportunities.

We do not have a separate class for our homeschoolers. Rather, your child will join the age group that he/she best fits into based on information from you.

Homeschoolers may participate in all school events, field trips, and field days.

Homeschool Student Schedule Options (1st - 3rd) :

September to June

Flexible scheduling options:

2, 3, or 4 part time days a week (11:30am -3pm)

with a focus on supplementing home-chosen curricula with enrichment and environmentally focused classes

- OR -

3 or 4 full time days a week (9am - 3pm)

schedule to include PONS-provided skills curricula

It is expected that our part-time families will provide instruction in core skill areas (literacy and mathematics) to their child at home. This allows parents the flexibility to provide teaching in these key areas using the framework that they deem best for their child’s particular learning style and in keeping with the family’s values.


When homeschooled children are at Painted Oak, they are provided the opportunity to tap into our unique model of education, one that allows for plenty of flexible movement - both indoors and out, participation in daily enrichment and elective classes, and utilizing our instructors as resources and guides to support them in developing their current interests and passions. 


Additionally, our Homeschool Supplement schedule has been intentionally designed to allow for these part-time students to engage in Project Based Learning. These blocks of extended time, focused in the areas of Humanities and Environmental Science, aim to bring all of the pieces together to foster a holistic learning experience for the student - creating research-based projects of interest that require the use and practice of their core skills in a real-world context, encourage collaboration with peers and adults, and promote public speaking skills, as well as civic engagement.

a TYPICAL DAY at NATURE SCHOOL for a Part-Time Homeschooler:

11:15-11:30am - Arrival & Connection Circle

11:45-12:15 - Enrichment 

(textiles, performing arts, visual arts, group sports, Spanish Immersion, food science, yearbook, research skills, social-emotional learning)

12:15-1pm - Lunch & Recess - [preK - 3rd grade]

1-3pm - Project Work & Story Workshop

3-3:15pm - Reflective Journals & Classroom Chores

3:15pm - Dismissal

a progressive PS-3 school where we develop our relationship to ourselves, to our land, and to each other

© 2018 by Painted Oak Nature School

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174 Lambertville Hopewell Road 

Hopewell, New Jersey  08525



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