Lower Primary Homebase: Kindergarten + 1st Grade
Our Lower Primary program is a multiage learning environment. This homebase is composed of Kindergarteners and First Graders. Students come together for community related moments such as Morning Meeting, goal setting, Project-Based Learning, and enrichment classes. Students are differentiated and leveled for Core Skills based on readiness. Students are guided by two Co-Teachers.
Kindergarten - The Raccoons

4 years 9 months - 6 years old
half day OR full day schedule
15-18 children, 2 guiding adults
50-75% of time spent outdoors
focus on balancing play and academics
introduction to Core Skills using Fundations and Illustrative Mathematics
provide daily school weather report
enrichments such as visual arts, performing arts, soccer, social-emotional learning, textiles, and Spanish immersion

First Grade - The Foxes

6 - 7 years old
full day schedule or homeschool option
15-18 children, 2 guiding adults
focus on building independence, stamina, and mindfulness
Fundations multisensory approach to literacy instruction with Guided Reading and The Power of Pictures art-based approach to writing instruction
Illustrative Mathematics program rooted in strategical inquiry
leveled small group instruction
collaborative projects completed with support to answer driving question
end-of-day journaling and classroom chores