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Resources & Links

Nature Schools

Listen to New Hampshire public radio excerpt sharing the growth of this approach in their state.

National Wildlife Federation's Green Hour

This website has links to scientific studies that prove the many benefits of spending time in nature, including better eyesight and better standardized test scores.

Children and Nature Network

Recent research shows that children who spend significant time immersed in unstructured play in nature are more relaxed, better at problem-solving and critical thinking, more focused, and exhibit more cooperative behavior and team work.

Nature Boosts Creativity

A recent study revealed that young people, after a few days immersed in nature, showed significant cognitive improvements and a 50 percent increase in creativity.

The Secret Behind Finland

Finland, one of the world's leading educational systems, attributes their students' academic success to...recesss. Compared to American students, who have seen their outside time reduced in favor of additional classroom time, Finish children enjoy well over an hour, everyday, in all weather.

Forest Kindergarten

The New York Times highlights one of the only Forest Schools in the United States.

School's Out: Lessons from a Forest Kindergarten

Watch the trailer for a documentary film of a kindergarten in Switzerland where children spend every day in the forest.

Nature Before Homework Equals Smarter Kids

Studies suggest that a simple 20-minute walk outside increases one's attention span.

Outdoor Schools Make Kids Happier and Smarter

According to experts, “The many skills children develop through play, particularly the self-control practiced and refined in imaginary play, are related to long-term academic achievement.”

Waldkindergarten - the original model

The forest school model is growing in popularity. Find out why.

a progressive PS-3 school where we develop our relationship to ourselves, to our land, and to each other

© 2018 by Painted Oak Nature School

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174 Lambertville Hopewell Road 

Hopewell, New Jersey  08525



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